Being Frugal: Some Goodwill Finds, Odds and Ends

I have been hitting all the Goodwills where I live, for when I move, hoping to find what I have put on my shopping list at a reduced price: a coffee table, a TV stand, maybe some games, and some exercise items. So far, I have found none of the items on my list, but I definitely have found some items that I know I will use, watch, read or listen to.

1. Door Harp
 I have always wanted a door harp. I remember as a child going to a pastor's house for a fellowship, and next to the table I was sitting and eating dinner at, people kept opening and closing the door to the basement, which had a door harp on it. It sounded charming to me, like a small hammered dulcimer. My nana has one in her house too.
I got this one for only 99 cents. The strings are fairly new and have no rust, they sound good. I like the blue color, but the ducks have got to go. I plan on sanding them off and painting probably a psychedelic or artistic, vibrant design on it to liven it up before putting it on one of my doors. Finally, I will get out my dulcimer tuning wrench and tune it up to a major chord so that whoever comes over and moves the door it's on will be pleasantly surprised. 😀

2. Men In Black on VHS
 I love science fiction and futuristic movies. And after I purchased my VHS player (which I will talk about in the next post, stay tuned), I found a tape of Men in Black for only 50 cents. I love that movie and the story behind it. I have the sequel, which I also found at Goodwill awhile back, for 2 dollars on DVD. And Danny Elfman, my favorite film composer of all time, wrote the score for the series. I only buy a hard copy of a movie if I like it enough that I would get it out and watch it over and over again. If I get a streaming service, I would get Tubi or a service that is cheap.

3. ZoeGirl's album Different Kind of Free CD 
For only a dollar, I replaced my long-lost ZoeGirl album. I listened to this CD all the time as a little girl, often in the dark with my disco ball on, and I would dance around and pretend to be in the band while Polly Esther would stare at me as she tried to take a nap on my bed. My first copy got lost in the depths of my dad's current or previous company car a few years ago, never to be found again. It's one of their best albums, in my opinion, because it represents the band's ability to perform as a rock and pop band. They take their music to the next level fusing their classic pop vibes with electric guitars and a more driven beat. Oh, and the girls play some sweet acoustic guitars in a few songs, too. I got a very good deal here, buying this CD back. I was so happy to find a copy at Goodwill!

I will be writing more about good deals I have gotten, so stay tuned! What are some awesome deals you have gotten?


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