Tom DeLonge Murdered His Taylor.......

Shortly after I bought my beloved, precious Taylor GC3 in early 2014, and I was exploring new music and how to play some alternative rock songs acoustically, I came upon a video titled "Tom DeLonge Breaks His Guitar." I had heard of Blink-182 before, but had never listened to them. Out of curiosity, I decided to watch it. Out came Tom's guitar. The Taylor had some words written on the top that I will not repeat on this blog. I began to sadly wonder why someone would treat such a beautiful guitar like that, but continued to watch. Tom played a new lick he had written. The guitar sounded lovely. Then he commented on how the guitar's bridge had started to malfunction. A band mate then told him if it didn't get fixed that the bridge would come off, hitting his arm with 150 pounds of string tension. This resulted in Tom growing furious, shouting, "No!!!" in a funny and upset way. Then the sad part. Tom says, "Well, I'll just have to break this guita...