The Fear Crept Up: A Poem

The fear crept up
When no one was watching, 
And invaded the silence 
So I could not hear
And slowly my mind
Gave into the thoughts. 

“Do not think about it,” I said to myself, 
But the thoughts continued,
They clawed their way through my skull,
They invaded my mind, my spirit, 
Every part of my being, 

My heart pounded faster, 
My head spun around and around, 
Until I trembled with utter terror, 
My lungs seemed to sprint, 
I seemed to choke on the thin air,
In this eerie time and place, 
The doom seemed to await me, 
The lucid end seemed to be near,
My mind desired for me to fall on the floor in oblivion. 

Then I took an exhausted sigh, 
Knowing that all my thoughts were irrational. 


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