Busy Life
I have been very busy in life very recently. I have been doing a lot of things. And it is fun stuff! Also, it is more than I ever thought I would ever accomplish any time soon.
I have been asked to compose musical arrangements of hymns and praise songs for the clarinet choir as well as for the woodwind quintet that I play in. So far, for the clarinet choir I have arranged and finished "Come, Now is the Time to Worship" as well as "O, The Deep Deep Love of Jesus" for the woodwind quintet. I have been asked to keep writing, so I am working on and I am almost finished with an arrangement of "At The Cross (Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed)" for the clarinet choir. My professor told me how much the clarinet choir loved "Come, Now is the Time to Worship", even though it is in difficult keys. When I performed with the Woodwind Quintet for the first time this year, we played my arrangement of "O, The Deep Deep Love of Jesus." This is more than I ever dreamed of doing, more than I ever asked for.
I am doing interesting things in my Film Scoring class. I was given a silent clip of a scene from Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" film and asked to write my own score to the clip. My professor said mine was very funny and comical, considering the fact that "The Birds" is supposed to be a horror film. I am currently working on a score for a clip for Dead Space 3. I am making it sound like an action movie, full of thrill.
I have entered a cartoon drawing of myself at an art show as well.
I saw the Vertical Church band last year. They came in to the songwriting class I was in at the time and one thing I remember them saying is, "There are no bad songs, only unfinished songs." This has saved me from hating when I "do something wrong" or am not completely satisfied with music I start to create. You never know what it sounds like in full later if you start, hate it, then throw it away. Many composers and songwriters did not like the songs they wrote, but these were the songs that were much liked by people who listened to them!
When I was younger, I used to throw away songs I didn't like. I thought the lyrics sounded bad or that it would not be successful or I wouldn't be successful with whatever idea I came up with. Now it saddens me very much to think about throwing songs away. NEVER DO THAT! It hinders your creativity and your expressiveness! I have now had professors tell me to keep writing and keep trying harder when there is something I can improve on. It has made me much more confident and songwriting and composing much more enjoyable.
It excites me to do what I am doing! I had a very distorted and dark view of myself last year and I now have learned a lot. I look forward to writing what I am writing now and much more to come!
I will expound more on this later.
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