
Showing posts from March, 2016

Disney Pictures!!!

All right, guys. I told you I would post pictures of Disney and tour. I have been catching up on a lot of homework, so that is why I have waited so long to do this. I was on a double-decker tour bus for nine days with the band. It was quite an adventure. All 60 of us got to know each other pretty well on that ride. I took my travel MIDI keyboard to compose on the bus with. I did not think I would be this productive, but the results were surprisingly good.  On the way to the Gulf of Mexico! This is a restaurant in Disney World called the Cheshire Cafe. I loved it because the Cheshire Cat is my favorite Disney character of all time.  The classic Disney Princess land.  This is the beach in Charleston, South Carolina. I met composer John Mackey! I am very excited, as you can tell. He said women need to compose and be commissioned more often! I went to a composers' forum before the band performed that afternoon.  ...